Crimes committed against juveniles in Almaty


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Violations against children incorporate physical and enthusiastic mishandle; disregard; and misuse. Guardians, relatives, gatekeepers, frequently commit violations including children and others endowed with their care and direction. School authorities, specialists, police officers, and other such specialists are required to report any signs of mishandle or abuse of a child. The article looks at the Common characteristics of violations against children and the state of wrongdoing against children within the nation. In later a long time, the issue of savagery against children has ended up increasingly pressing not as it were in Kazakhstan, but all over the world. Violation against the life, wellbeing, sexual astuteness and sexual freedom of minors could be a ponder, illicit act beneath the criminal code of the Republic of Kazakhstan that hurts the ordinary advancement of the more youthful era. The security of the rights, flexibilities and genuine interface of minors, guaranteeing their legitimate ethical and mental improvement, and securing them from wrongdoing are the perpetual and most imperative bearings of the state’s criminal policy. Minors, due to the idiosyncrasies of their physical and mental improvement, are more vulnerable to different negative impacts than other categories of individuals, which can gotten to be the premise for the advancement of their individual deviation. Thousands of children are casualties of wrongdoing each year.

Keywords: crime, minor, victim, victim of crimes, victimology, crimes against minors, statistics, juvenile victimology.




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How to Cite

Jansarayeva, R., Duzbayeva, S., Taubayev, B., Akbolatova М., & Zhanibekov А. (2021). Crimes committed against juveniles in Almaty. JOURNAL OF ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF JURISPRUDENCE, 97(1), 67–76.