The tactical features of the identification


  • A. K. Baiseitova Almaty Academy of the Ministry of internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after Makan Esbulatov, Kazakhstan, Almaty

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The article discusses the tactical and procedural features of identification. The author analyzes the opinions of various scientists regarding the classification of this investigative action in criminal proceedings. Each investigative action carried out is characterized by its own specifics, and, in particular, is determined by such factors as the tasks that can be solved by conducting this investigative action, its legal regulation, the uniqueness of the circle of participants, the venue and other separate characteristics. Like any other investigative action provided for by the criminal procedure law, the presentation of a person for identification in a criminal case is not unimportant. So the results of this investigative action can be used to establish certain circumstances of the offense, the actions of each of the criminals at the scene of the crime. Information obtained during identification may help to expose the person who committed the crime. The very presentation for identification as an investigative action is a means of collecting evidence. Therefore, the Protocol, which records the information obtained as a result of identification, has an evidentiary value, i.e. it can be used as evidence. The order of presentation for identification of living persons, corpses, objects and animals is considered. In addition, the tactics chosen by the investigator for its conduct depend on the specifics of the investigative action. As a result of a well-chosen tactic, it is possible to achieve the goal set by the investigator when making a decision to conduct a certain investigative action. Key word: order of presentation for identification, material evidence, criminal procedure legislation, investigative actions, participants in criminal proceedings, body conducting criminal proceedings, living persons, interrogation, corpse, inspection items.


