Legal status and the bases of obligatory participation of lawyer-defender in cases of legislation in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Кілттік сөздер:
lawyer, advocacy, legal status, defense attorney, адвокат, адвокаттық қызмет, құқықтық мәртебе, қорғаушы- адвокат,Аннотация
In article advocateship is a voluntary professional organization of the citizens who are carrying out protection on pretrial investigation, inquiry, in criminal court judge in an order established by law, besides, carrying out representation of interests of claimants and respondents in civil cases were given.Advocateship is a public self-coping organization urged to provide a legal assistance to the population and organizations by consultation on legal questions, any drawing up documents and official papers on the basis of law. Мақалада адвокаттық қызметтің коптеген қырлары мен мәселелері қарастырылған және адвокаттың қылмыстық істер, азаматтық істер мен әкімшілік істерде қорғаушы болуы туралы оқыс ой-түйіндер жазылған. Адвокаттың мәртебі мен оның құқықтық мәртебесініңсауалдары зерттелген. Адвокат өзін-өзі басқара алатын қоғамдық ұйым болып табылады және адвокаттар заңға сүйене отырып, қоғамға кеңесін береді.Библиографиялық сілтемелер
1 Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated August 30, 1995
2 L aw «On Advocacy» December 5, 1997. – Almaty: Zhety Zhargy, 2010. – 48p.
3 B aranov D.P. Lawyer right (Advocacy in Russia) Book. – М.: Academcentr; Publishing and Trading Corporation «Dashkov
and K», 2011. – 368 p.
4 Presidential Decree having the force of law «On amendments and additions to some legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan
» and Presidential Decree having the force of law «On State Registration of Legal Entities» on October 5, 1995.
5 T ynybekov C. Advocacy in the Republic of Kazakhstan: Book. – Almaty Daneker 2001. – 246p.
6 R ight of RK № 349-1 «On State Secrets» from 15 March 1999.
7 Z hamieva RM, EI Kairzhanov Tactics of defense counsel in criminal cases: Textbook. – Almaty, 2000. – 228 p.
8 Code of Criminal Procedure of the Republic of Kazakhstan. – Almaty, 2008.
2 L aw «On Advocacy» December 5, 1997. – Almaty: Zhety Zhargy, 2010. – 48p.
3 B aranov D.P. Lawyer right (Advocacy in Russia) Book. – М.: Academcentr; Publishing and Trading Corporation «Dashkov
and K», 2011. – 368 p.
4 Presidential Decree having the force of law «On amendments and additions to some legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan
» and Presidential Decree having the force of law «On State Registration of Legal Entities» on October 5, 1995.
5 T ynybekov C. Advocacy in the Republic of Kazakhstan: Book. – Almaty Daneker 2001. – 246p.
6 R ight of RK № 349-1 «On State Secrets» from 15 March 1999.
7 Z hamieva RM, EI Kairzhanov Tactics of defense counsel in criminal cases: Textbook. – Almaty, 2000. – 228 p.
8 Code of Criminal Procedure of the Republic of Kazakhstan. – Almaty, 2008.
Как цитировать
Altynbekkyzy. А., & Nurdildanov., E. N. (2016). Legal status and the bases of obligatory participation of lawyer-defender in cases of legislation in the Republic of Kazakhstan. ҚазҰУ Хабаршысы. Заң сериясы, 72(4). вилучено із