Formation of a regulatory framework that takes into account the protection of the rights of older persons
This article discusses the integrated system solutions to the issues to protect the rights of senior citizens. at the international level is also considered the scientific work of both foreign and domestic scientists tested national legislation on line with international standards on the basis of the implementation and standardization of international human rights protection treaties the rights of older people and analyzed the legal representation of state bodies and other organizations in the Republic of Kazakhstan on protection of elderly rights of people. In our country, the legal norms that perpetuate the rights of all citizens regardless of age, as well as norms specifically relating to the elderly, is one of the foundations for building a rule-of-law state. In the spheres of pensions and partially social services, there is a sufficiently detailed regulation of the rights of elderly citizens. At the same time, it should be noted that at present neither the employer nor the state as a whole is very much interested in employment and employment of older people after their retirement. Thus, the reality of the facts calls for special consideration of elderly citizens as a vulnerable group that is the object of many punishable acts, but with fewer means to provide adequate protection. Key words: law, elderly people, law, state, social protection, pensions.