Some questions of social security right definition in the Republic of Kazakhstan
In article the question of definition of the right of social security in the Republic of Kazakhstan, by means of dialectic in detail reveals, comparative and legal and other methods concepts of social protection, social security, the social state in the context of social partnership are investigated. The main objective of a research consists in illumination of problems of definition of the right of social security of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the conditions of formation of a legal mechanism of social partnership. The scientific and practical importance of work consists in relevance of the studied subject since with the advent of the concept “social protection”, and his active use within theories of creation of “social society” as the replacing category to the terms “social security”, etc. having formed the basis to the fact that in published today educational, study – methodical, monographic literature, including by the right of social security, as a rule, there is a section “social protection”. This situation has also formed the basis for consideration of this question by us within the conducted research. Agreeing with the majority of positions, we, nevertheless, consider that the range of social protection is slightly wider, designated in the studied works. Thus, from our point of view, the legal institute “material security” is one of the important directions of social protection of citizens and includes both the state material security, and accumulative, his insurance models. Key words: social security, social protection, social partnership, labor law.