The legal basis regulating implementation of the ethnic policy in the Republic of Poland


  • Д.К. Рүстембеков
        28 31


The article discusses the ethnic policy of the state to address the issues of citizens democratic Poland, including of citizens belonging to national or ethnic minorities the freedom to development and preservation their language, preservation of customs and traditions, freedom of conscience and religion, of culture, religious faiths and the life of believers in the modern state. There are three problems: the Poles – the national minorities; Poland – her neighbors; the Poles in the homeland – the Poles abroad. These three problems are linked, but independent from one another directly. The use of common criteria to the actions directed for protection of spiritual needs these three problems and describes the ethnic policy of state. The article defines the constitutional and legal bases of realization of ethnic policy in the Republic of Poland.
Key words: national and ethnic minorities, Constitution, public associations, religious faiths, normative legal acts.


