Teen: group a criminal offence, the prevention, efficiency
This article conveys a sense of criminal offences among teenagers. The number of offenses among teenagers increases every year, new types of criminal activity, which involves students from secondary and high school. To reduce the level of delinquency among adolescents will help preventive measures aimed at preventing illegal behavior of teenagers. The author of the article notes that adolescence is a difficult time, during which the child is a reassessment of values. Often parents complain that their offspring during adolescence becomes unmanageable, aggressive, begins to present to loved ones excessive demands, throws the study. Teenagers do not yet have the life experience, which often appear to be involved in illegal actions. Juvenile delinquency every year younger, becomes more cynical, captures in your network more and more young people. Criminal offences among teenagers is much easier to prevent than to fight them. In the prevention of illegal behaviour of the children is a leading role for parents. If they are early childhood right to educate their offspring by instilling in them the accepted norms and values, then in the future, problems with teenage crime will pass them by. The article discusses criminal and legal features of group criminal offenses of adolescents and its causes. Also discusses the prevention of criminal offencesadolescents. Key words: teenager, group criminal offense, prevention, prevention measures.