This article is devoted to exploring of key issues while introducing of new management principles to the activities of law enforcement agencies of Kazakhstan. It is known that modernization of system of public administration is currently in progress in Kazakhstan. The new model of public service aims to introducing the principles of meritocracy, transparency, professionalism, efficiency and effectiveness. The main indicator of the activity of law enforcement system should be the citizens’ high confidence. These principles of management are completely new and previously unknown to the law enforcement system of Kazakhstan. This article is aimed at considering the prospects of introducing and functioning of new management principles in the activities of law enforcement agencies, in particularly, the prosecutor’s office of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The innovations in the management system of prosecutor’s office are based on: 1) the comprehensive introduction of the principle of meritocracy in the issue of career advancement. It tools include: the creation of new pools in the promotion of prosecutors to key positions in the Prosecutor General’s Office; the formation of a professional corps of prosecutors; more meticulous selection of candidates, etc.; 2) increasing of citizens’ confidence; 3) introduction of project management in the work of public prosecutors; 4) total involvement of citizens in the maintenance of public order. This article has a particular interest to civil servants, experts, scientists, government experts, political scientists, lawyers, teachers in the field of political science and public administration. The research results can be used while adoption of legislative acts on reforming of public administration. Studies on management of government bodies, best practices of foreign countries and analysis of regulatory legal acts of foreign countries were explored; statistical data and sociological surveys were analyzed. During the research the following results were obtained: – In the activities of the law enforcement agencies of Kazakhstan the main focus should be given to the personnel policy; – While reforming of management system the best practices of foreign countries should be taken into account. – While reforming of law enforcement service the national culture, behavioral characteristics and the general conditions of the development of the state should be considered; – The principle of personal responsibility of everyone should become a fundamental element of the structure of public service management; – The functioning of the elements of project management in the system of law enforcement service would facilitate the establishment of teamwork and a focus on achieving the result. Key words: management, meritocracy, state bodies, public administration, prosecution authorities, professionalism.