The international and national legislation in the field of protection of the rights and ensuring voluntary marriage.
the international rules of law, coercion to marriage, compulsory and early marriage, criminalization, kidnapping, criminal liability,Abstract
In article the legislation in the sphere of protection of the rights of the personality in the matrimonial relations and ensuring the right for voluntary marriage is analyzed.Compulsory and early marriages violate the international rules of law and provisions of the national legislation. Gaps of the national criminal legislation in which there are no the norms providing responsibility for kidnapping of the person for the purpose of coercion to marriage, coercion to marriage, continuation of marriage cohabitation and hindrance to marriage at the choice cause existence and distribution in the society of such dangerous phenomenon as compulsory and early marriages.References
How to Cite
Dzhansarayeva., R. Y. (2016). The international and national legislation in the field of protection of the rights and ensuring voluntary marriage. JOURNAL OF ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF JURISPRUDENCE, 69(1). Retrieved from