Criminological aspects of juvenile delinquency and youth.


  • D. S. Seyubergenova. Ш. Есенов атындағы Каспий мемлекеттік технологиялар және инжиниринг университеті.
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criminogenic factors, determinants, verbal level,


In this article the reasons of development of crime among minors and youth are considered. Distinctive features between a crime and an offense among minors were investigated. The author provides statistical data on a crime in this article among minors. The author estimates social a legal side of a crime among minors. Also gives ways of permission and the crime prevention among minors.


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How to Cite

Seyubergenova., D. S. (2016). Criminological aspects of juvenile delinquency and youth. JOURNAL OF ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF JURISPRUDENCE, 72(4). Retrieved from