On the necessity of introduction of provision on incidental question into the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


  • N. S. Yeshniyazov. Институт послевузовского образования и международных связей, Казахский гуманитарно- юридический университет.
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incidental conflict question, main conflict question, rules of application of conflict norms,


The article is devoted to one of the most difficult rules of application of conflict norms – the problem of incidental question in private international law. Analysing foreign legislation, judicial precedents and doctrinal sources, the author offers to introduct the provision on incidental question into Kazakhstani legislation in his own formulation.


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How to Cite

Yeshniyazov., N. S. (2016). On the necessity of introduction of provision on incidental question into the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. JOURNAL OF ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF JURISPRUDENCE, 72(4). Retrieved from https://bulletin-law.kaznu.kz/index.php/journal/article/view/656