The link between domestic violence and animal abuse.
Domestic violence, abuse, animals, aggression, cruelty, psychological violence,Abstract
In this article the authors discuss cruelty against animals as an indicator of occurrence of domestic violence. In addition, the authors examine cruel behavior towards pets as a form of psychological violence per se against the persons who have an affective attachment to those animals. Statistic data confirm the existence of such connections between animal abuse and domestic violence. The authors point out that the existing legal mechanisms for the prevention of domestic violence – in the domains of family law, criminal law, and administrative law – are of limited efficacy. The authors formulate a recommendation to improve those mechanisms by raising awareness of the role of cruelty against pets as a symptom of the occurrence of domestic violence.References
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7 Например,Degrue S, DiLillo D «Is animal cruelty a «red flag» for family violence? Investigating co-occurring violence toward
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9 Faver Strand, цитировано по Akhtar, А. Animals and Public Health. Why Treating Animals Better Is Critical For Human
Welfare. – Hampshire: The Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. – С..33.
10 A llen M., Gallagher B., Jones «Domestic violence and the abuse of pets: Researching the link and its implications in Ireland»,
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15 S iebert C. «The Animal-cruelty syndrome», New York Times, June 7, 2010 цитировано по Akhtar, А. Animals and Public
Health. Why Treating Animals Better Is Critical For Human Welfare. – Hampshire: The Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. – 247 c.– p.28
16 Grupta M. «Functional Links between intimate partner violence and animal abuse: personality features and representations
of aggression», Society&Animals 2008; 16: 223 – 242 цитаровано
по Akhtar, А. Animals and Public Health. Why Treating
Animals Better Is Critical For Human Welfare. – Hampshire: The Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
17 L inzey A., The Link Between Animal Abuse and Domestic Violence, Sussex academic press, 2009. – p.66.
18 Конвенция о защите прав ребенка, статья 19.
19 Закон Республики Казахстан от 04.12.2009 N 214-IV «О профилактике бытового насилия., просмотрено 02.02.14
2 Алимбекова Г.Т., Домашнее насилие в отношении женщин
в Казахстане: распространенность и предпосылки,, просмотрено 02.02.14
3 Агентство Республики Казахстан по статистике, просмотрено 02.02.14, Документ «Женщины и мужчины Казахстана. Статистический сборник 2008 – 2012»
4 Гладырь Н.С., Карстен Е.Э., и др. Реализация Закона «О профилактике бытового насилия»: Отчет по правам человека. Кризисныйцентр «Подруги». Алматы,2011. – С. 27.
5 Akhtar, А. Animals and Public Health. Why Treating Animals Better Is Critical For Human Welfare. – Hampshire: The Palgrave
Macmillan, 2012. – 247 c., стр.28.
6 Подробнее см. в Baideldinova M., Dalpane F., Animal Law in Kazakhstan: A Survey, Global Journal of Animal Law, #2, 2013, accessed on 23.06.2014
7 Например,Degrue S, DiLillo D «Is animal cruelty a «red flag» for family violence? Investigating co-occurring violence toward
children, parents and pets», Journal of Interpersonal Violence 2009; 24: 1036 – 1056; Kathleen M. Quinn «Violent Behavior.
Animal abuse at early age linked to interpersonal violence» /NEWS/200003.
HT M (просмотрено 1.02.2014) и др.
8 Kathleen M. Quinn «Violent Behavior. Animal abuse at early age linked to interpersonal violence» http://www.childresearch.
net/CYBRARY /NEWS/200003.HT M (просмотрено 1.02.2014)
9 Faver Strand, цитировано по Akhtar, А. Animals and Public Health. Why Treating Animals Better Is Critical For Human
Welfare. – Hampshire: The Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. – С..33.
10 A llen M., Gallagher B., Jones «Domestic violence and the abuse of pets: Researching the link and its implications in Ireland»,
Practice 18 (2006) 167 – 181 цитировано
по F. Ascione «Examining children’s exposure to violence» in «The link between animal abuse and human violence», Sussex Academic Press, 2009.
11 Иксатова С.Т., Привлечение к уголовной ответственности за жестокое обращение с животными // Вестник ЧитГУ.–№7 (64). – 2010. – С. 51.
12 Сасикова З.К., Материалы Международной научной конференции студентов, аспирантов и молодых ученых.
– Нальчик, 2013. – Т. III .
13 Рахметов Р., «Комментарий к Уголовному Кодексу Республики
Казахстан. В двух книгах. Книга 2 (статьи 189 – 393)» / под ред. Рогова И.И. и Рахметова С.М. – Алматы, 2012. – С. 189-191.
14 Юрченко Р. Применение судами норм Закона Республики
Казахстан «О профилактике бытового насилия», http://, просмотрено 02.02.2014.
15 S iebert C. «The Animal-cruelty syndrome», New York Times, June 7, 2010 цитировано по Akhtar, А. Animals and Public
Health. Why Treating Animals Better Is Critical For Human Welfare. – Hampshire: The Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. – 247 c.– p.28
16 Grupta M. «Functional Links between intimate partner violence and animal abuse: personality features and representations
of aggression», Society&Animals 2008; 16: 223 – 242 цитаровано
по Akhtar, А. Animals and Public Health. Why Treating
Animals Better Is Critical For Human Welfare. – Hampshire: The Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
17 L inzey A., The Link Between Animal Abuse and Domestic Violence, Sussex academic press, 2009. – p.66.
18 Конвенция о защите прав ребенка, статья 19.
19 Закон Республики Казахстан от 04.12.2009 N 214-IV «О профилактике бытового насилия.
How to Cite
Baideldinov. М. B., & Dalpane., F. P. (2016). The link between domestic violence and animal abuse. JOURNAL OF ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF JURISPRUDENCE, 72(4). Retrieved from