Responsibility for fraud.


  • A. N. Agybaev. Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби.
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fraud, phishing, adhesive tape – a method, «The Lebanese loop», the ATM – the phantom, a skimming, karding,


In article one of types of a crime – fraud is considered. Fraud and theft – independent crimes against property of citizens. But sometimes at commission of thefts guilty, using deception, misleads the victim or other persons, abuses their trust. And as, types of fraud such as: phishing, adhesive tape – a method, «The Lebanese loop», the ATM – the phantom, a skimming, karting. Including, the author specified some ways of how to avoid fraud and to save itself and the payment card from swindlers.




How to Cite

Agybaev., A. N. (2016). Responsibility for fraud. JOURNAL OF ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF JURISPRUDENCE, 72(4). Retrieved from