Constitutional guarantees of human rights in civil proceedings, the Republic of Kazakhstan.


  • S. K. Аtahanova. Әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті.
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human rights, constitutional guarantees of social and economic guarantees,


This article discusses the features of the constitutional guarantees of human rights in civil proceedings in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The influence of the principle of separation of powers in the exercise of civil proceedings.


1 Грудцына Л.Ю. Особенности конституционных гарантий реализации прав человека в России (на примере гражданского
судопроизводства): Автореф. канд. юрид. наук.: 12.00.02. – М., 2004. – 24 с.


How to Cite

Аtahanova. S. K. (2016). Constitutional guarantees of human rights in civil proceedings, the Republic of Kazakhstan. JOURNAL OF ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF JURISPRUDENCE, 72(4). Retrieved from