Features of application of punishments minor.


  • Zh. B. Schajachmetova. К.ю.н., профессор Атырауского инженерно-гуманитарного института.
        38 75


crime prevention, crime among minors, youth studies, illegal behavior, legal deviation, coercive measures of medical character, coercive measures of educational influence, coercive measures of correctional influence,


Effective application of punishment under the criminal code of RK is important in fight against crime among minors.The author also in article brings up questions of creation and of theoretical development of uniform science of youth studies and new institute - coercive measures of correctional influence.


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How to Cite

Schajachmetova., Z. B. (2016). Features of application of punishments minor. JOURNAL OF ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF JURISPRUDENCE, 69(1). Retrieved from https://bulletin-law.kaznu.kz/index.php/journal/article/view/586