Legal and scientific basis to guarantee the rights and legitimate interests of foreign citizens in criminal proceedings.


  • E. T. Nurmaganbet. К.ю.н. юридического факультета Казахского национального университета имени аль-Фараби.
        43 33


Foreign citizens, rights and freedom, criminal trial, preliminary investigation,


In given to article the guarantee of observance of the right for protection at investigation of criminal cases and their problems of the decision is considered. One of kinds of such guarantees is the order of obligatory appointment of the defender of the suspect or accused. Cases of obligatory appointment of the defender are strictly defined in the legislation.


1. Угoлoвнo-пpoцессуaльный кoдекс Pеспублики Кaзaхстaн oт 1.01.98 г. (пo сoстoянию нa 1 янвapя 2008 г.) //Спpaвoчнaя пpaвoвaя системa Юpист.
2. Тыныбекoв С. Aдвoкaтуpa и aдвoкaтскaя деятельнoсть в Pеспублике Кaзaхстaн. – Aлмaты: Дaнекеp, 2004. – 343 с.


How to Cite

Nurmaganbet., E. T. (2016). Legal and scientific basis to guarantee the rights and legitimate interests of foreign citizens in criminal proceedings. JOURNAL OF ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF JURISPRUDENCE, 69(1). Retrieved from