Some problems of protection of human rights by the criminal legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


  • G. A. Kuanaliyeva. Әл-Фараби атындағы ҚазҰУ, доцент, заң ғылымдарының докторы.
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the rights and legitimate interests of the person, the suspect accused, injured, court,


Sample for democratic society is recognition by the supreme values of the rights and freedoms of the person.Therefore legal status of the personality is directly interconnected with democracy institutes. The rights and legitimate interests of participants of criminal trial have to be observed. The main priority directions of criminal trial protection of constitutional laws and freedom of the person that provides trust of the population and by that gives a legal assessment to all law-enforcement system of the Republic of Kazakhstan is. Behind each illegal arrest and detention stands not only destiny of the person, but also desti ny of his family.


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