Trends in the development process of the formation of international legal norms international organizations.
norms of right, international organizations, development, process,Abstract
In accordance with the aims of the advanced study the values of progress of process of forming of international legal norms international organizations trend are examined. For complete research of role international to organization in forming of international legal norms, maintenances of terms of legal work and creation of right(forming of right) were certain.International organizations play a very important role in the process of правотворчества and have a very important place. As another international legal subjects international organizations participate in the process of forming of jurisdiction norms. And also inculcating international organizations necessary element of formalization, for the formed decentralized process of international legal work determining procedural limitations carry out important service.References
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How to Cite
Ismailov., A. A., Omarbaeva., L. K., & Tulendy., E. E. (2016). Trends in the development process of the formation of international legal norms international organizations. JOURNAL OF ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF JURISPRUDENCE, 71(3). Retrieved from