Some problems of ensuring citizens' right to access to environmental information.
environmental information, access to environmental information, state secret, the inventory of environmental information,Abstract
This article discusses some of the problems of ensuring citizens' right to access environmental information in the Republic of Kazakhstan in accordance with applicable law. The author notes the importance of the awareness of the people about environmental problems to solve problems in the field of ecology in the age of globalization. This article discusses some of the problems of ensuring citizens' right to access to environmental information in the Republic of Kazakhstan in accordance with applicable law. The author notes the importance of the awareness of the people about environmental problems to solve problems in the field of ecology in the age of globalization . The article examines some national laws and conventions in the field of citizens' right to access to environmental information , as well considered the practice of using these standards. Next to the article author shares his views on the current situation.After analyzing some environmental regulations considers problems on their applicationAfter analyzing some environmental regulations considers problems on their practical application.References
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How to Cite
Bagilbek., Y. M. (2016). Some problems of ensuring citizens’ right to access to environmental information. JOURNAL OF ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF JURISPRUDENCE, 71(3). Retrieved from