Extremism: legal-criminal and criminological aspects


  • R. K. Tleukhan
        61 195


President Of The Republic Of Kazakhstan N.Ah. Nazarbayev in his Address to the people of Kazakhstan «the Third modernization of Kazakhstan: global competitiveness» noted that in conditions of increased threat of terrorism and extremism, the security of the state is an indicator of further development. Terrorism and extremism have become a truly global threat and one of the global problems of our time. The number of terrorist and extremist groups is growing, but they are less likely to take responsibility for terrorist attacks and statements. All this destroys the possibility of cooperation, partnership, constructive dialogue, compromise, break the age-old ties between the most fraternal peoples, countries and Nations. Relations begin to be based on cruelty and brute force, human life and such important socially significant values as humanity, friendship, mercy, tolerance, ability to listen and forgive each other are devalued. The term «extremism «is broader than the term»terrorism». Terrorism can be defined as a consequence of extremism. Under the extremism in a broad sense to understand the system of beliefs, opinions, values, estimates, characterized by adherence to extreme measures, radicalism, intolerance of excellent opinions and values and their negation. Large geopolitical changes in the world increase the source of danger in the field of national security. The complexity and relevance of tasks based on systemic risks in the prevention of religious extremism and terrorism. Under these conditions, the current religious extremism and counter-terrorism system of the national individual, society and state from the nature of extremist violence, which requires further improvement in the creation of a mechanism for reliable protection against the threat of terrorism and extremism. The article is devoted to the criminal-legal and
criminological characteristics of extremism. Questions of emergence of extremism are considered, signs
and types are defined. The article deals with the scientific views of scientists on religious extremism.
At the same time, measures of counteraction and prevention of extremism under the legislation of the
Republic of Kazakhstan are considered.
Key words: extremism, religious extremism, terrorism, crime, responsibility, radicalism, crime, extremist


