Some problems of improvement of customs control in the Customs Union.
the Customs Union, the customs control, the customs legislations, the Customs Code of the Customs Union, the customs examination, the technical means of customs control,Abstract
The goal of research is to examine the problems of improving customs control problems in the Customs Union. According to the goal of scientific work, the main problems became clear at implementation of customs control. During the study were examined ways to improve the scope of customs control, considering the shortcomings in the implementation of customs control and the current state of technical means that are used for customs control. At the same time, the problems arising at implementation of customs examination in the Customs union were considered. The “Main Directions of Improvement of Customs Administration in the Customs Union in 2012-2015” program is taken as a basis for improvement of customs control.References
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How to Cite
Kdyrbayeva., M. K. (2016). Some problems of improvement of customs control in the Customs Union. JOURNAL OF ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF JURISPRUDENCE, 69(1). Retrieved from