Problems participation of the lawyer defender in proof on criminal trial


  • E. T. Nurmaganbet
        56 42


In this article the author considers the problem of representation by counsel - defense counsel in proving criminal cases,
including those discussed activities of the submission and the gathering of evidence, and the opportunity to change
the rules of modern legislation. This article discusses the theoretical issues and activities of defense counsel involved
in the gathering of evidence. To resolve the criminal case , to prove legally guilt or innocence of the person against
whom the criminal case . In this regard, the literature is justifi ed write that proof - this is the basic element , the core
of the criminal process. In science, the criminal proceedings are discussions about the possibility of the participation
of defense counsel in proving a criminal case. Thus , despite the legal right to participate in the gathering of the
defense evidence , the lack of a mechanism for its implementation does not allow to fully implement the constitutional
principles such as competition and the defendant's right to a defense.
Key words: lawyer, defender, proofs, criminal trial, participants.


How to Cite

Nurmaganbet, E. T. (2019). Problems participation of the lawyer defender in proof on criminal trial. JOURNAL OF ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF JURISPRUDENCE, 67(3), 165–169. Retrieved from