Some of the problems of development of legislation in the field of land law relations in the Republic of Kazakhstan


  • A.S. Moldagaliyevа
        56 37


In the Republic of Kazakhstan sources of land law is the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the
Land Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other regulatory legal acts. Adopted in July 20, 2003 Land
Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan – introduced private ownership of agricultural land. Land reform is
the linchpin of economic transformation, and its direction is determined relationship to the land. And at the
present stage of development of land relations pravovvyh require regulation of such issues as promoting
improved quality of land, penalties for environmental damage from fines to termination of the land use
rights, the introduction of compensatory payments, compensation for damages and losses in the seizure of
land, the formation of the land market, strengthening responsibility for the violation of land legislation. Land
reform is a combination of legal, economic, organizational and technical measures ensuring a qualitatively
new structure of land ownership and land use in the period since the republic's economy into the market
Keywords: land relations, private property, public property, the bill, land laws.


How to Cite

Moldagaliyevа A. (2019). Some of the problems of development of legislation in the field of land law relations in the Republic of Kazakhstan. JOURNAL OF ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF JURISPRUDENCE, 66(2), 222–227. Retrieved from

