Problems of an assessment of efficiency of the criminal precept of law, the crime directed on the prevention in the Republic of Kazakhstan


  • N.B. Kalkaeva
  • A.B. Izbassova
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In article problems of an assessment of efficiency of the criminal precept of law directed on fight against crime and the prevention of crime in the Republic of Kazakhstan are analysed. The argument of the put-forward provisions is based on modern scientific researches of the Russian and Kazakhstan scientists, legislative practice. Authors believe that it is expedient to carry out measurement of degree of efficiency of action of norms and institutes of criminal law at three levels: 1) obuslovlivaniye level; 2) formulation level; and 3) at the level of implementation of criminal precepts of law. Authors comes to a conclusion that the embodiment in real vital reality of all specified measures would promote creation of the atmosphere of more effective and fruitful control over crime in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Key words: Crime, humanization, criminal policy, criminal law.


How to Cite

Kalkaeva, N., & Izbassova, A. (2019). Problems of an assessment of efficiency of the criminal precept of law, the crime directed on the prevention in the Republic of Kazakhstan. JOURNAL OF ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF JURISPRUDENCE, 76(4), 322–330. Retrieved from