Actual problems implementation of measures aimed at combatingсcorruption in Kazakhstan


  • N.S. Baimbetov
        44 27


In this article, the author writes about the problems related corruption offenses in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The crime of corruption, are a dangerous socio-legal phenomenon, which encroaches on the criminal law protected social relations. Corruption causes political, material and so on, detriment of the state and society. Corruption offenses include bribery, misappropriation and embezzlement of entrusted property, abuse of power or official authority, inaction in the service, forgery and others. The social bases of these crimes carry a danger to the public social values and principles of the society.
Key words: corruption, corruption offenses, government agencies, society, state security, law.


How to Cite

Baimbetov, N. (2018). Actual problems implementation of measures aimed at combatingсcorruption in Kazakhstan. JOURNAL OF ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF JURISPRUDENCE, 73(1), 392–395. Retrieved from