To a question of interrogation consideration as evidentiary facts in criminal legal proceedings


  • A.G. Kan
        43 29


Article is devoted to interrogation consideration as evidentiary facts in criminal legal proceedings. The author analysed various opinions of scientists on process of proof and its ratio with interrogation. By means of use of interrogation large volume of information which in the subsequent can become evidentiary on criminal case is established. Besides, this investigative action is irreplaceable when obtaining indications from participants of criminal legal proceedings. By means of the analysis of elements of process of proof in article the conclusion is drawn on an interrogation role as evidentiary facts.
Keys words: interrogation, proofs, proof, criminal legal proceedings, investigative action, obtaining indications.


How to Cite

Kan, A. (2018). To a question of interrogation consideration as evidentiary facts in criminal legal proceedings. JOURNAL OF ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF JURISPRUDENCE, 73(1), 362–367. Retrieved from