Probationary control as a functional element of modern criminal-executive policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan


  • A.B. Alibekova
        28 26


This article discusses some of the issues of the probationary supervision in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Probation Service is a form of social and legal control, which provides a combination of criminal trials, monitoring and supervision of their behavior and educational measures implemented in relation to the convicted person. The author analyzes the question of the probationary control activities on execution of punishments not connected with isolation from society, its legal framework and legal basis. Issues of application of the institute of probation system are also dealt with in practice, and the possibility of its implementation and development. The effectiveness of the probation service, aimed at the re-socialization of convicts and reducing the number of persons released from prison, will be possible in close cooperation penal system authorities responsible for supervising the convicted without imprisonment and local executive authorities, which have to ensure that the resources of their social, legal and other assistance. Key words: probation service, probationary control, convicted without isolation from society, social and legal assistance to convict.


