International cooperation in the fight against cybercrime


  • Р.Е. Джaнсaрaевa
  • К. Aрaтулы
        54 36


In world law literature allocate four classes of computer crimes. They relate to the violation of confidentiality, integrity and availability of computer information and computer system or network. Other crimes in which computer is tool or means commit crimes should be view as tradition crimes. But, the legal mechanism their investigation should be adequate means commit these crimes.
Key words: cybercrimes, international cooperation, UN, combating crimes, cybercriminal, international agreements.


How to Cite

Джaнсaрaевa Р., & Aрaтулы К. (2018). International cooperation in the fight against cybercrime. JOURNAL OF ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF JURISPRUDENCE, 78(2), 224–227. Retrieved from