Rights rip land for state needs
The article comprehensively addressed issues of land acquisition for public use and is made personal conclusion. At the same time, we studied the relationship of objects and subjects of relations in the sphere of land acquisition for public use.Land relations – relationship of land use and protection related to land management, securing land for individual subjects, exercise of the right of ownership and other land rights. Land relationship is, first action mechanism regulating land rights. Subjects of land relations – individuals and legal entities, as well as the States parties to land relations and therefore have rights and carry obligations in this relationship; Implementation of the subjects of land relations of their rights should not be harmful to the land as a natural resource and other objects of the environment as well as the rights and legitimate interests of others. Accordingly, in the land legislation should contain all the elements and rules of land relations.
Key words: earth, land low, land relations, stead, the state needs, objects, actors.