Nelson mandela rules: analysis of updated standards for the treatment of prisoners


  • R.E. Jansaraeva
  • M.Sh. Kurmangali

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Abstract. The article analyzes the Nelson Mandela Rules regarding updated standards for the treatment
of prisoners. The new version of the Rules was approved in 2015. The purpose of the scientific article
is to draw the attention of the legal community of Kazakhstan to changes in international standards
and updates in the approach to the rights of prisoners. The first part of the article provides a general
overview of the UN Standard Minimum Rules for Prison Staff when dealing with prisoners in nine areas
of standards. In the second part, the authors carried out a scientific analysis of the changes made to this
UN document and formulated preliminary conclusions on them. The third part of the article is devoted
about the conceptual basics of implementation the minimum standards for the treatment of prisoners in
the national sphere of Kazakhstan. The scientific and practical significance of the work lies in the scientific
analysis of the content of the updated rules. The main results and conclusions of the authors are that
the Nelson Mandela Rules are of great importance and have a significant impact on the development of
policies, laws and practices of states around the world. In writing this article, methods of logic, formallegal
and systematic research methods were used. The value of the article lies in the development of the
problems of penitentiary science and law of Kazakhstan. The practical significance of the results of the work lies in the scientific substantiation of the possibilities of implementing the standards in question in
the national system of Kazakhstan.
Key words: Nelson Mandela Rules, International Legal Standards for the Treatment of Prisoners,
Penal Institutions, International Penitentiary Law, Penal Legislation of Kazakhstan, Penal System of Kazakhstan.


How to Cite

Jansaraeva, R., & Kurmangali, M. (2020). Nelson mandela rules: analysis of updated standards for the treatment of prisoners. JOURNAL OF ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF JURISPRUDENCE, 92(4), 109–117.