On the problem of protection of personal information


  • A. Ye. Zhatkanbayeva Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty c.
        85 40

Кілттік сөздер:

personal information, personally identifiable information, information rights, privacy, confidential information, the constituencies of personal information.


The article analyzes the concepts and different regulatory approaches to the concept and content of personal information. It accentuates the de­ ficiencies of modern legislation on the status of personal information and their constituents. The article provides examples from practice confirming the existence of serious problems in the field of security of personal infor­ mation. It also suggests actionson how to improve the domestic legislation. 

Библиографиялық сілтемелер

1 Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan from May 21, 2013 No 94-V «On personal data and its protection»
2 If Kazakhstan does not protect personal data, its manipulation will become the norm // http://kapital.kz/gosudarstvo/34888/
3 In Denmark – the scandal with the leakage of personal data of nearly a million citizens // http://www.svoboda.org/archive/ radio-svoboda-news/latest/16564/16564.html?id=25445415
4 In Germany, the scandal erupted again with the theft of personal data of millions of citizens // https://xakepy.cc/showthread. php?t=45392
5 The largest personal data theft occurred in the United States https://xakepy.cc/showthread.php?t=25472&s=2d611667cd2d c5f6d826dd8bc577129f
6 Personal data of all citizens of Kazakhstan and the CIS were in the public domain on the Internet // http://www.news-kz. com/
7 Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On informatization» from January 11, 2007 No217-III LRK// Information system «Paragraph»
8 The list of individuals’ personal data included in the state electronic information resources. Approved by the Government Resolution from June 5, 2007 No 460 // Information system «Paragraph»
9 Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On taxes and other obligatory payments to the budget (the tax code)» from December 10, 2008 // Information system «Paragraph»


Как цитировать

Zhatkanbayeva, A. Y. (2015). On the problem of protection of personal information. ҚазҰУ Хабаршысы. Заң сериясы, 75(3). вилучено із https://bulletin-law.kaznu.kz/index.php/journal/article/view/695

