The principle of the meritocracy as the basis of public service in the Republic of Kazakhstan
In this article the principle of a meritocracy as bases of public service in the Republic of Kazakhstan is considered. Meritocracy (letters. «the power worthy», from armor. meritus – worthy, etc. – Greek κράτος – the power, board) – the principle of management according to which the most capable people, irrespective of their social origin and financial prosperity have to hold the leading posts. In the international practice the meritocracy is considered as recognition of merits when work of the person, the public servant is appreciated and opens for it opportunities for professional, career and social development. At a meritocracy the most worthy, moral, competent, talented and hardworking people come to public service. These equal opportunities for citizens are a basis of social elevators in the country.
Key words: public service, personnel structure, modernization, administrative and legal regulation, quality of work.