Analysis of the environmental legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Қазақстан Республикасының экологиялық заңнамасын саралау.


  • Y. R. Khamidullina. Master’s student, 2nd course, Law Faculty, al-Farabi KazNU.
  • X. Hu. Master’s student, 2nd course, Law Faculty, al-Farabi KazNU.
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Кілттік сөздер:

ecological legislation, ecological responsibility, nature users, society ecologization, deglaciation, economic assessment of environmental damage, “green economy”, national fund for the protection and recovering of the environment, экологиялық заңнама,


This article reveals the analysis of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan relating to ecological responsibility of nature users. Such terms as “the system of assessment of the impact on the environment”, “environmental damage”,“direct” and “indirect” methods of economic assessment of damage are analyzed in the article. On the basis of foreign experience research the author offers the ways of improvement of national ecological legislation. Мақала Қазақстан Республикасының табиғат пайдаланушылардың экологиялық жауапкершілігі мәселесі бойынша заңнаманы талдауға арналған. Мақалада «қоршаған ортаға ықпал жасау бағалау жүйесі», «қоршаған ортаға зиян», залалды экономикалық бағалаудың «тура» және «жанама» әдістерi сияқты ұғымдар талданады.Мақала авторы шетел тәжірибесін зерттеп ұлттық экологиялық заңнаманың жетілдіру жолдарын ұсынады.

Библиографиялық сілтемелер

1. The Constitution of the RK, dated August 30, 1995 (as amended and supplemented as of 02.02.11).
2. The Code of the RK № 212-III “Environmental Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, dated January 9, 2007 (with amendments
as of 24.12.2012).
3. The Law of the RK № 175-III “On specially protected natural territories”, dated July 7, 2006.
4. The Law of the RK № 219-I “On radiation safety of the population”, dated April 23, 1998, as amended.
5. The Law of the RK “On Subsoil and Subsoil Use” № 291-IV, dated June 24, 2010 (with amendments as of 26.12.2012).
6. The Water Code of the RK № 481-II, dated July 9, 2003 (as amended as of 24.12.2012).
7. The Forest Code of the RK № 477-II, dated July 8, 2003 (as amended as of 10.07.2012).
8. The Land Code of the RK № 442-II, dated June 20, 2003 (with alterations and amendments as of 08.01.2013).
9. The Decree of the President of the RK № 1241 “On the Concept of Environmental Security of the RK for 2004-2015”, dated
December 3, 2003.
10. The Code of the RK № 99-IV “On taxes and other obligatory payments to the budget”, dated December 10, 2008 (Tax Code)
(as amended as of 06.03.2013).
11. The Code of the RK № 155-II “On Administrative Offences”, dated January 30, 2001 (as amended as of 06.03.2013).
12. The Declaration “On Environment and Development», dated June 14, 1992, Rio de Janeiro.
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Как цитировать

Khamidullina., Y. R., & Hu., X. (2016). Analysis of the environmental legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Қазақстан Республикасының экологиялық заңнамасын саралау. ҚазҰУ Хабаршысы. Заң сериясы, 69(1). вилучено із

