Some questions the right of the public to obtaining ecological information. Жұртшылықтың экологиялық ақпарат алуға құқығының кейбір сұрақтары.


  • S. Tynybekov. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, doctor of Law,Professor Head of the Department of civil law and civil procedure, labor law.
  • R. Erezhepkyzy. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, doctoral candidate of PhD,2 courses Head of the Department of civil law and civil procedure, labor law.
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Кілттік сөздер:

the law, the right of access to environmental information, public, environmental protection, public access to decision-making and justice, заң, құкық, жұртшылық, экологиялық ақпаратқа қолжетімділігі. қоршаған ортаны қорғау,


Access to information, public participation in decision making and access to justice guaranteed by the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan . Existing legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan gives the public the right to obtain information , including environmental information , public access to decision-making and justice. Ақпаратқа кіру, шешімдер қабылдау процесіне жұртшылықтың қатысуы және қоршаған ортаға қатысты мәселелер бойынша сот әділдігіне қол жеткізу Қазақстан Республикасы Конституциясымен кепілдендірілген.Қазақстан Республикасының заңнамасы ақпарат алуға, оның ішінде экологиялық ақпаратпен, қоғамның шешім қабылдауға деген қолжетімділігі мен сот төрелігін жүзеге асыруға құқық береді.

Библиографиялық сілтемелер

1 Zhatkanbayeva A.E. Realization of the rights of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan on obtaining information//Legal problems of public administration in the conditions of market the relation in the Republic of Kazakhstan: materials of the international scientific and practical conference. – Almaty: KazNPU named by Abay, 2006. – Page 64-69.
2 Law RK "On the order of consideration of physical and legal entities" on January 12, 2007 No. 221-III ZRK//Information
system "Paragraph".
3 Tropina T. Cybercrime and cyber terrorism//Computer crime and cyber terrorism: The collection of scientific articles / Under the editorship of V.A.Golubev, H.H. Akhtyrsky. – Zaporozhye, 2004. – Vyp. I. – Page 209-215.
4 Rules for Registration of government information resources and information systems and the maintenance of the state register
of information resources and information systems. Approved by the Government Resolution of 19 October 2004 / / Information System
5 The law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On information" of January 11, 2007 No. 217-III ZRK//Information System "Paragraph"
6 The decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "on the state program of formation of "the electronic government" in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2005-2007" of November 10, 2004 No. 1471//Information System "Paragraph"
7 The constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan is adopted on a republican referendum on August 30, 1995//Information System "Paragraph", 2013.
8 The law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of January 12, 2007 No. 221 "on order of consideration of physical and legal entities"//
Information System "Paragraph", 2013.
9 The law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of January 12, 2007 No. 221-III "on order of consideration of physical and legal entities". // Information System "Paragraph", 2013.
10 The convention on access to information, participation of the public in decision-making and access to justice on the questions
concerning environment (Aarhus Convention)//Information System "Paragraph", 2013.


Как цитировать

Tynybekov., S., & Erezhepkyzy., R. (2016). Some questions the right of the public to obtaining ecological information. Жұртшылықтың экологиялық ақпарат алуға құқығының кейбір сұрақтары. ҚазҰУ Хабаршысы. Заң сериясы, 69(1). вилучено із

